• Walter Palmer killed a lion in 2008 and did it legally.
• Also in 2008, he killed a bear illegally and faced prison time for lying about it to Fish and Game officials. He wound up paying a fine and walking away from it.
• Palmer has been investigated for sexual harassment in the past, also.
• Palmer has killed Leopards, Big Horn Sheep and a sickening array of wildlife in his lifetime.
• Mostly, Palmer kills with a bow and almost exclusively for sport.
So, right now, this guy who has spent his entire life killing animals for the fun of it, is telling us he had no idea at all he was making an illegal kill.
Palmer has been skirting around laws all of his life in his bloodlust and suddenly he’s the victim of an innocent misunderstanding? He got the hell out of Zimbabwe pretty quickly, didn’t he? But quickly isn’t what’s important to Palmer most of the time..
The 13-year-old black mane lion suffered a slow and painful death, according to the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.
The hunters lured him out of the park, the conservation group said, and Palmer then shot the lion with a bow and arrow, a method he is known for. But the arrow wasn’t enough to kill Cecil, who survived for another 40 hours until the hunters tracked him down and shot him with a gun.
Palmer’s henchmen lured a lion named Cecil, who was accustomed to being around humans and photographed heavily by tourists, out of a protected area and then shot him with a cross bow. Cecil carried that arrow around with him for nearly two days before he collapsed and was shot with a rifle. The “sportsman” then directed his cronies to destroy the GPS collar on Cecil to hide the crime, then beheaded Cecil and skinned him.
The “trophies” were later recovered from the two men who had helped Palmer kill a defenseless animal. In the past, Palmer has smugly laughed at those who suggested that his vanity wasn’t as important as the lives of those animals he’s killed.
This time it is a lot different.
This time Palmer finds himself being hunted. His dentistry practice has been closed down. His home phone and cell phone has been turned off. His FB page, his families FB pages, and the FB pages of every one of his employees have been shut down. Anyone remotely connected to Walter Palmer has discovered that there are a lot of people out there more than just a little mad about this. It’s a level of fury usually reserved for child molesters and the people who talk during movies.
Suddenly, Walter Palmer has discovered that his home address can be found through a search of Minnesota State registry of dental practices. He’s discovered that there is no hiding on the internet from people with the intent of finding him. He’s being hunted and he’s helpless against those who have decided that this hunt will be one for Walter to remember.
Just on FB, I read his address, his phone numbers, the address of his practice, saw photos of his employees, saw photos of his family, and everywhere he’s lived in the last twenty years.
Wow. Damn, Walt, I think you might have shot the wrong lion this time!
Here’s the thing; for every one thousand people who are screaming and yelling, there’s only one person willing to do anything at all, and that person is most likely just tracking down personal information. That’s a nuisance and it’s real, but that’s not the problem.
For every thousand people willing to do something only one is likely to cross over into territory that can be defined as true stupidity.
Right now, there are thousands and thousands of people screaming and yelling about this.
Right now, there are thousands and thousands of people screaming and yelling about this.
I don’t think the man deserves to die for this and I hope no one punishes his family to get to him. This reduces all of us who are outraged down to his level; blood sport for some inner satisfaction.
I say we send him to Zimbabwe and let him do some time in their prison system.
Five years of learning what real helplessness looks like in a Zimbabwean jail sounds like justice form where I am. I just hope that he lives to see it.
Take Care,Mike
Mike writes regularly at his site: The Hickory Head Hermit