Had a pretty easy day on the road Monday. Heard Diane Rehm interview Mary Chapin Carpenter and spent a good 20 minutes sobbing uncontrollably as she talked about losing her parents this year AND going through a divorce. The Things We Are Made Of is her new album. Described as "a rough journey in middle age." I could relate.

Made it out of Florida and through Georgia and South Carolina. Made it to Statesville, NC in time for Sophie's dinner in the parking lot. Loving the cool temps.
Watched the Kardashians for the first (and last) time last night. OMG what a humongous waste of time/lives. Made me want to cover my eyes and stick knitting needles in my ears. Thankfully, I had the remote so it wasn't necessary. If I had to give that show and those people one word it would be USELESS. Just one woman's opinion.
So this morning, off we went with a satisfying and healthy breakfast from The Bistro at my hotel. Shout out to
Courtyard. Best one I've ever stayed at. Even if they charge a fortune for Miss Sophie to stay.
Another day of pretty light traffic through North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. That is until I hit Pennsylvania. I-81 in PA is always horrible. Mostly trucks, all going 85 mph. I was in the fast lane with an hour to go to my hotel when it sounded like a bomb went off on the back bumper. Sophie practically levitated to the front seat and I managed to weave around 16 wheelers to the side of the road. Called AAA and they told me to call 911 because OMG the trucks were practically shaving the side off LaToya. What a nightmare. But it could have been a lot worse. After 20 minutes, a state trooper showed up and parked behind me with his lights going. What a relief. Then a scary looking guy pulled up in a tow truck and after removing Sophie and half my stuff from the back of the car, changed my tire in 10 minutes flat.
He said Yew cain't drahv wit dat tar on 81. So I said do you know of a tar, I mean tire, shop? He said foller me. So I did and then I thought well what if he's an axe murderer or worse, wants to force me to pierce my face in multiple places to look like his? So I called my BFF Stacy and she stayed on the phone til we got to the tar, I mean tire, shop and I could give her the name of it. Well. three skin heads with pierced everything waved me into the garage and they couldn't have been sweeter. Brought Sophie some water and had me out of there in less than a half hour. Bless!
An hour and a half later, we were in our fave La Quinta in Harrisburg. Sophie remains a bit traumatized, refusing to leave my side and get up on her comfy bed, preferring to be under the desk where I'm sitting.
Feeling extremely lucky tonight. Could have been so much worse.