It was a slow week at the office as the boss was out of town and we got to come in late and leave early. Here is Billie hard at work by the file cabinet while I'm at my desk. As you can see, she brings her supplies with her. No patients so her position as official greeter (which she excels at by the way) wasn't happening. Tomorrow we'll be busy. We went to the monthly quilt guid meeting yesterday and she was good as gold.
So, remember the big fat Airstream I bought last spring? Well, here is a little update.
My pal, Wendy, came for a visit this winter and painted the walls and cabinets and sweated her butt off and I am ever so grateful to her. Here are the cabinet doors drying in the sun. She even had me sanding out there for about five minutes. (Not my favorite job.) It was quite the challenge to remove the carpet (called mouse fur - no, really that's what it's called!) from the walls. I spent a good month on that alone.

Now the floors are in and the quarter round on. Look at the yummy yellow walls. The floors are laminate and installed on top of a pad so they feel spongy to walk on, after walking on plywood all this time. This week I'm going to try the peel and stick "tile" I got for the kitchen and I'm thinking of wallpaper on that faux wood that we didn't paint so stay tuned.
Won't it be nice to have your own little place to stay when you visit me in the Keys?