Lucky me, my parents were here for two-and-a-half months. It was wonderful. Here they are on their way back to Michigan. I was telling my friends the other day, that in the over a decade I've lived here, I have only driven to the Miami airport three times. And, all three times were in the last couple of weeks! haha I've come a long way, baby!
So, with my party and my visitors, all happy distractions, I haven't had time to sew in weeks. I was able to get back to my sewing machine yesterday. So happy to be sewing along with Miss Elna again. I had missed her! Here is a little shopping bag I made for a friend's mother. Here is what it folds up into and . . .
Here it is unfolded! Ta da!
And, this is a little laptop case I whipped up. Oh, how I love me some Kaffe! Definitely got my sewing fix for the day.

So, I'm off for a little tai chi and a swim. Toodles for now.
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