Monday, July 16, 2012

and then there were none . . . not!

Well, the last of the little ones left Saturday morning at the crack of dawn. I will miss those sweet little voices. The silence after they left was deafening. (And, that is a beautiful thing as well. :)

who gave the baby a beer?

I also moved back into the house after spending two weeks in the hammock out in my studio. I have to say it was very cozy and the smell of fabric upon waking was loverly!
flat out exhausted
So, that left me with Josh and his GF, Sarah. I have to share this picture because I caught him unawares and he was not able to give me his usual glare for the camera.

But wait! There's more!
Picked up my niece, Ryder, from camp yesterday and here she is catching up with  email/facebook/youtube. Poor baby was electronics-free for a month. (The "poor baby" was up until 3am catching up and I know that because we all could hear her. Sigh. No rest for the wicked.)
 In other news, Maine has been experiencing a heat wave and it is AWFUL - except it is probably better than anywhere else - with temps in the high eighties and humid. Supposed to break tomorrow. It does make for a beautiful sunset, doesn't it?
 And, finally, you can now buy The Genevieve Bag at About Face in Damariscotta. Irene tells me they are selling like hotcakes. Woohoo! If you're in their neck of the woods, be sure to stop by and tell them Lizzie sent you.
The Genevieve Bag - small
 Oh, and just so you know, I'm leaving now to pick up my niece, Anna, at the train station in Portland.

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