Saturday, October 20, 2012

Well, it has been a long three days but at last I am here. Where is here, you may ask? My parents' home in Michigan. I will be visiting with my Dad for a week or 2 before I head south.
I couldn't have wished for two better driving days and the colors in Maine and across Mass, the Berkshires, New York State were gorgeous! Here too.

After closing up my cottage, I drove to Lexington and had dinner with the fam on the first night. The second day we got to Rochester and stayed in a crappy motel, no names but the initials are L.Q. Gee wonder what that could be. Actually, it was better than some . . . pause . . . that's about the best I can say about it. Sophie and Lucy enjoyed the experience, however. Sacked out all night in their own bed.

 Yesterday was not so much fun. The weather wasn't as good - gusty winds - and worst of all, Ohio. OMG, is there one road in the entire state that isn't under construction with a single lane open, no shoulder and jersey barriers on both sides? Well, is there? I didn't think so. Anyhoo, it was a long day and I made it in time to go to a party with Dad and my Sis. Look how cute she is!  I took her to the airport in Detroit for her flight back to Boston today, and I am here for the duration.
When I crossed into Pennsylvania, I kept an appointment with an RV dealership in North East (yes, that IS the name of the town), finally going to see my dream coach in person. I was secretly hoping to not like it (can't really afford it) but it is beautiful, just beautiful and Oh, I want it. It would be just perfect for the girls and me. No more crap motels.

This is the view of my dad and Sophie and Rose from my position in the rear - nice walking woods surrounding us. We've had two long walks today in celebration of being out of the car.

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