And, here is little Ben enjoying a slice. Love this!
Sophie was of course on hand to supervise at mealtime.

And, this next shot has quite a story. I'll try to be brief. So the night before, we had quite a windstorm and when I got up in the morning, two of my chairs were missing. Nat spent two hours on the paddleboard, searching up and down the canal, looking under docks and mangroves, you get the picture. I, in the meantime, took my parents to the airport (bye bye Mom and Dad, it was fun!) and when I got home, we all got on our bikes to go out for lunch. We were thinking about Pilot House but at the last minute went to the Fisheries. So, we were waiting for our food and admiring an old Albin (that's a boat-duh) when the guy in the Albin says to some guy on the dock, hey do you want this? And, he points to a chair in the back of the boat. Sarah jumps up. Hey! That's our chair! So we go over and he says he found it out in the ocean and we explain and he hands it over. No sooner does he do that and we are saying what are the odds?? when a little motorboat comes in to the harbor and in the back of it? My other chair!!!! Now really, what ARE the odds of THAT? Pretty amazing.

So then Nat decides, being a guy and all, that I do not need to ride home and get the car. Oh no. He will attach the chairs to his bike and, with both kids on board, ride home with the full load. Check him out. So funny and so smart, our Natonio!
* * * * *
Ok, in other news, Will went out for a day of fishing with Cap'n Skippy and caught this ginormous wahoo AND a bunch of tuna. Oh was it good (the tuna-you don't want to eat wahoo). There was enough for eleven of us and I still have more in the freezer for moi.
I took Will to the airport on Tuesday and was sad to see him go - the visit went waaaaay too fast! Bye bye, Will. It was super fun.
So, I haven't shown you pictures of my sister, Becky, and niece Ryder but they were here as well for a few days and we mos def had a full house and even a tent set up outside. Busy full days of sun and fun and I can't believe I didn't find two seconds to take their pictures. But, here is one from the archives. Their visit was short but sweet.
* * * * *
So, now I am home alone and it is very quiet. It makes me realize how accustomed I am to being alone and living alone and that not only am I used to it but I'm good at it. And, when my family is here, well it just fills me up until the next time. My former husband is an idiot to miss out on all of this. But let's not talk about him, right? He is SO not worth it. And, I AM. insert big smiley face!
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