Monday, May 6, 2013

I was inspired by some of the art I saw when I was in Frederick, MD, and this has been percolating in the back of my mind so I took myself off to Goodwill - shout out! I LOVE Goodwill! where I found vases and cups and pitchers and saucers, etc. 
And, then I went to the Home Despot and got some rebar and a variety of glues and epoxies to experiment with. So, here is my first garden art attempt. Fun! I've got a couple more in the works.
And, here is where I found little Miss Sophie who seems to be thinking, when in the name of Dog are they going to put my dock back in the water??  sigh . . .

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME! A whole new life as a sculptor. Yay!
