Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This spotted ray stopped by for a visit at my house yesterday. Beautiful. I saw him from my window where I was sorting fabric and ran downstairs to snap this shot. He hung out for quite a while, flying around in the current.
And yes, I'm doing a major purge of my fabric. . . . sob. . .  If you come to the FKQ quilt show at the end of the month, you just might be able to snag some for yourself.
RIP Shirley Temple
Stopped believing inb santa


  1. I love the spotted ray, that's so cool!! Good luck purging your fabric, I should do that big time too.

  2. Still working on it. Have to restrain myself from keeping too much! If I haven't used it in 2 years, it's got to go. Well, most of it . . .
