Saturday, April 5, 2014

Today I went to my monthly guild meeting with the fabulous Florida Keys Quilters and we had a little class on making beads . . . out of fabric! So cool. Then we fashioned them into bracelets and necklaces. I would love to show you what mine looks like but . . . still no freaking camera. Time to face facts and admit it's gone gone gone. Anyhoo, it was a lovely time with my peeps, chattering away about things near and dear and learning something new from one of our own.

My affirmation this morning, April 5, said I remember that life is meant to be simple and easy. I just came in from walking the dogs and looking at the night sky in the warm and sultry (great word that). I can see the big dipper and the little dipper now, a new moon on a starry starry night with the funereal scent of the something plum tree - can't remember the name. This has been a sweet place for me and the girls. nighty night.

Gotta do something about replacing my camera this week. I love google images and all but seriously . . . 

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