Yesterday afternoon, in the heat and humidity that is Key Largo at this time of year, eight of us goddesses got together for a house clearing. Gloria presided over the smudging and blessing of my new house. So, I cracked the windows and doors and using a beautiful beeswax candle (from my niece, Sarah), Gloria lit the sage in it's abalone bowl (from Florence) and when it was lit, using a hawk's feather (from Julia), she chased away any negative energy, smudging every nook and cranny, every drawer and closet, inviting any and all spirits and energies that have lived here or attached to any person or thing in the house and not allied with my highest good, to take a hike, be gone (with best wishes, of course). Connie and her bells went in her wake and we all ended up in the deep end of the pool. Well yeah, it's still the yard for
now . . .
Gloria explains the cleansing about to happen |
forming our circle |
Here is some of what Gloria said:
This is a house of positive energy, creativity, and joy, where spirits supportive of Lizzie and her invited loved ones are welcome. This is a house of healing and love, where Lizzie, her invited guests and family will know peace and security. May this house be cleansed and all who live or visit within its walls, 2 legged or 4 legged, be blessed.
We really did feel the clearing of the place right away and settled down for some champagne (from Maria), chit chat and charades. Girls gotta have fun!
Bless the House
in swirly gauze dresses
sarongs and silk
they stand in a circle
blessed by the shade
of a giant sheffalera
umbrella tree
sun soaked yellow grass
nearly steaming
in the future deep end
of the swimming pool
poem by Gloria
Love this. And you, and your new home!