Thursday, January 22, 2015

My husband is getting married

Isn’t that the most ridiculous statement? When my nephew’s wife emailed me to tell me that they wanted to come all the way down to the Fabulous Florida Keys to tell me something, the thought just arrived in my heart.    My husband is getting married.

And yes, I know he is not my husband anymore. (I did mean it when I vowed “til death us do part” and obviously he lied.) But nevertheless, it rocked me. 

I’ve worked so hard, so so so very very hard these past years to try to get over him, our marriage, my happy old life. Funny how right now the pain feels just as fresh as when he walked away. 

I know this new wound is temporary and I will get over it but seriously, can the Universe just cut me a freaking break?

This too will pass. O heart, say it over and over,
Out of your deepest sorrow, out of your deepest grief. 
No hurt can last forever – perhaps tomorrow
Will bring relief. 
This too shall pass. It will spend itself – it’s fury
Will die as the wind dies down with the setting sun
Assuaged and calm, you will rest again, forgetting
A thing that is done.
Repeat it again and again, O heart for your comfort
This, too shall pass as surely as passed before
The old forgotten pain, and the other sorrows
That once you bore.
As certain as stars at night, or dawn after darkness
Inherent as the lilt of the blowing grass,
Whatever your despair or your frustration –
This too will pass.
-Grace Noll Crowell

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a long, mushy comment which Blogger decided not to post, so I will take the hint. Not mushy: you have inspired many of your women friends with your courage, your introspection, and your ability to move forward with your own life. We hold you in our hearts.
