Here is what is resonating with me this morning, a wonderful quote from Willa Cather, as seen on Brainpickings.

I've been revisiting Oprah and Depak's, Expanding Your Happiness, meditation- on Day 19 today so this really caught my attention. Lovely, isn't it?
Finally recovered from two weeks of bronchitis and I've been having a busy time here at the Lake. My mom was here for a week and we made a trip to Rockland and the Farnsworth Museum - always happy to visit the wonderful Wyeths - and visited with Mom's college roommate, Marty, who is a lovely and artistic sort of person whom I feel a kinship with every time I see her. (And how awkward was that sentence but you get the gist.) We had lunch at Archer's on the Pier and visited Clementine for a fabric fix. Here they are, cute girls.
And here is the view from Archer's. The forecast was for gray and rainy and look how beautiful it turned out.
I took this picture of rosa rugosa outside the restaurant. My phone takes such beautiful pictures, doesn't it? See the bee?
We also made a trip down the Friendship peninsula to a sweet little vacation house on Muscongus Bay to visit an old friend of my Mom and Dad so it was old home week for Mom. Mitch hadn't seen me since I was 15(!) and said how much I looked like my Dad which made me feel good. And I still can't really believe, deep down, that he is actually gone. But I digress.
Gloria is back. We had a fabulous breakfast at Morse's this morning and then paid Beth's farm stand a visit. Beth's is in full on fall mode and where may I ask did the summer go?? We bought a veritable cornucopia: berries and corn and mums and pumpkins.
And I love this picture of Sophie. She is reminding me that we have not been out joyriding in Miss Barbie Dreamboat for way too long. Mom and me and Sophie took a little cruise the other night and that was blissful and today is looking to be just right for a repeat performance. Finest kind.