He apparently was here to read the electric meter but I had the self-reading one put in last month and he sort of mumbled something about that. The dogs barked their heads off at him, busted out the door and then did their best to make him feel welcome. oy He asked me when I was going back to Florida (I figure he saw the plate,) said he was glad all the seasonal people had left . . . creepy, right?
So, last night I am watching my usual inappropriately scary selection of Special Victims Unit and NCIS LA, etc. online and the dogs go busting out of the house barking their heads off. Oh great, I think, Bill Murray's evil twin is out there. I called and called and they finally came back 20 minutes later. I totally figured I didn't need to walk them after that and locked the doors and emailed my BFF to tell her if she didn't hear from me by 7am, B.M.'s evil twin had gotten me and to find someone to feed the dogs.
Safe and sound this morning. But vigilant! Ever vigilant . . .
In other news, I was (once again) cursing my husband's name as I lugged in a 40 pound bag of dog food when the side split and the food came cascading out. I couldn't believe it. Lu and Sophie were in hog heaven, let me tell you, while I am screaming NO GET OUT STOP EATING. Yeah, right. Lots of gas passed during the evening. Lovely.
And that is all for now.
Quick, post a protection order. One for Bill Murray and the other for weak dog food bag manufacturers.