Found an abandoned RV park just over the Georgia border so we stretched our legs for a bit.
Here are the bug infested (I'm sure) beds. Look at the base - it's peeling plastic. Gross! I NEED AN RV. I AM SHOUTING. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE BUY ME AN RV? I would like a new one please.
So, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I. Hate.The. South. These are not my people. I was so hungry and finally pulled off 95 in South Carolina at a Burger King. Trust me, I thought it was the best choice - the others were Huddle House (don't know what that is and don't want to-scary looking) and Shoney's (been there once-gross-never again.) So, I go in and someone with a nametag that reads "Starshay" is serving trays piled high with burgers and fries and onion rings, etc. to gargantuan relatives of the pillsbury doughboy that spoke as though they had marbles in their mouths and were arguing over who was going to fill the extra large drink cups with coke (because the frozen snoothie-like machine was out of order!!!) . holy crap. I got out of there (they might have said I "hightailed it outa thayah." haha
So, wish me luck tonight - with no place for the girls to run and the yucky room, happy to say we'll be making an early exit.
Addendum: I read this over a few hours after the fact and it sounds so negative. I am just tired and feeling a bit well, sarcastic, maybe? The girls and I are fine and will feel much better once we're in yankee territory. :) I cannot deny that it is tough doing what my husband and I always did together - especially the packing and lifting part. And the driving part. And the doggie care part. And and and But, really I am so much better off without that son of a bitch and the girls and I are just fine - REALLY!
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