Becky and Ryder are here for a few days. Becky leaves for France tonight and I whisk Ryder off to camp on Monday.
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So, the other day after work, I went to Hannaford for groceries and I was in a hurry, wanting to get home and not paying much attention to anything at all, when the checkout guy asked me for my i.d. (I had a bottle of wine). I scramble in my bag and produce my license. He looks at it and then takes it to his supervisor for verification and they thank me. So, I ask how old do I have to look to be carded. He says under 40. Well, I'm liking that pretty good. Then I take a look at the checkout guy. Glasses like coke bottle bottoms, I swear I am not making this up. Talk about bursting my bubble!

In other sort of related news, I've been working on a little card case - something to hold just your license, and maybe a credit card and a few bucks. My mom has something like that and it will be a cute way to use scraps. Here is my version in oilcloth. My Office Depot card is where the license would go, behind clear plastic. Cute, right?
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