Had an unexpected day off and tackled a few jobs with the best intentions but ended up blundering my way through them. Just one of those days, I guess. Went to Lowes early to avoid traffic and ended up in the Thomaston 4th of July parade. Tried to attach the ladder to my dock and watched one of my favorite earrings fall through the cracks and float away. Nothing quite like handling the drill with itty bitty drill bits and screws and washers and nuts over water in the 88 degree heat while being buzzed by a deer fly. Tried to attach the tightener to my new pulley clothesline and whapped myself in the face with the bitter end and now I look like I'm in a constant state of frown. Big red line down the middle of my mug. Went to get some water and dropped the glass in the sink and broke it. Tried to install some solar lights and broke two of them off trying to put them in the ground. Couldn't figure out why my front was soaking wet and finally figured it out when I set the watering can down on my newspaper and realized it was leaking. You get the idea . . .
work in progress |
solar clothes dryer |
hotdogs on the 4th of July |
Just checked and sure enough! Mercury is in retrograde until July 20th. Well,
that explains a lot.
Mercury Retrograde having its effect on us as well...