Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Remember that Blend fabric I bought at Mardens ages ago? Well, I used it to whip up a 241 Bag by Noodlehead. So fast and easy and it was blissful to have a sewing day at long last. (Toothfairy doesn't count)
Our warm humid weather went out with the rain last night and we are in for a cool snap with possible frost in the mountains by tomorrow night! Here are five things I'm loving right now:
1.) Long Way Round, which is a 9 episode series with Ewan MaGregor and Charlie Boorman about their motorbike trip from London to New York, traveling east, including Kazakhstan, Siberia, eastern Russia, the Road of Bones, etc. and then from Alaska, thru Canada to NY. I'm watching it on Netflix and it is GREAT. And those two are pretty easy on the eyes as well. :)
2.) Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, by Beth Hoffman. Good read - I laughed, I cried...
3.) Maine scallops - my seafood of choice this summer. So yum. (Of course, let's not forget oysters or lobster. Or mussels.) So much to love!
4.) Norah Jones, Little Broken Hearts
5.) Being the only one left on my road as of today! Peace and quiet.

I woke up at about 4:00 this morning, believing I was still married. I hate those dreams. In the dream, we are just doing the mundane ordinary things of our life together, nothing remarkable. And, it is heartbreaking every time to realize it was just a dream. Here's the good thing though, I only have those dreams a couple of times a month now. I used to have them every night. I'm looking at that as significant progress.

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