Friday, November 28, 2014

I spent yesterday, Thanksgiving, in the comfortable embrace of productivity and gratitude. Nothing like the zen of painting to allow one to dwell on all the blessings of this wonderful life. Lucky girl, me! Lucky because I still have both my parents and both my sisters and both my dogs in my life. Grateful for my 7 nieces and nephews and their lovely assorted spouses, and 9 grand-nephews and nieces and all of my friends who love and support me every single day. Back at you! Grateful that I am a white middle class woman living in America. For this gorgeous weather. And the list goes on and on ad infinitum.
So I painted my kitchen/dining room and porch Misty Daydream. Isn't that just the most perfect name? It is kind of an aqua color and could have been a touch lighter but it does give one the feeling of being surrounded by water.
 I also finished up the third window in my living room. I didn't have enough fabric for curtains on all the windows so I got a bamboo matchstick blind and sewed a band of the fabric across the top. I think it looks pretty good. Things are really coming together in my little house.
 I jetted down to Snapper's for some conch ceviche and a margarita at the end of my labors and snapped this photo of a guy with a parrot on his shoulder across the bar from me. The bird actually belonged to the man to his left but when the man sat down, the parrot walked over and up on to this guy's shoulder and looked him right in the eye like, Come here often, cowboy? 
This is my Thanksgiving feast on the stove. I steamed some real Mexican hand wrapped tamales, heated up some Cuban black beans and had myself a little store bought mini pumpkin pie. Now that's a meal to be thankful for! (Don't worry Mom, I had a salad too.) 

And oh yeah, I wasn't sad all day long. First Thanksgiving I can say that about in a long long time.

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