I was feeling the need for speed yesterday and had to get out of town for a Happy Lizzie Day. Florence came over to stay with the girls and I drove down the island chain that is the Fabulous Florida Keys, ending up in Key West.
I stopped in Marathon at the Island Fish Company for some oysters for lunch - yum - and stopped to say hello to this guy. Kind of sad but I guess I'd rather see him in his cage than come face to face with him in my backyard. Zoiks! People who keep these things as pets should have to face some consequences when they let the poor things into the wild. They are not native to the Keys and have no business here. Ok, I'm done now.

I ended up here at the Sheraton where I have a free night with points. Went for a swim, out for some fish tacos for dinner and enjoyed a good lie in until 7:15 this morning! No little wet noses demanding a walk at 6am! It's the little things, you know?
Going to Blue Heaven for breakfast this morning. What a beautiful life it is.
This is a new day; I am a new me.
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