So, I opened my blog for the first time in a while today and realized that Sue's friends are probably reading to see what she has been up to down here. Well, unfortunately we had an argument that first day and she left and I have no idea where she went. . .
hahaha just kidding. Well, before I tell you what we've been up to, I have to tell you about the palmetto bug. They are so NASTY. (And, really they are just disgusting giant cockroaches.) We were sitting on the back deck in the evening and I looked up and saw a gecko running up the wall, just missing a palmetto bug bigger than he was. Those suckers are so fast. He took flight. Right into my living room. That could not stand. I went in after him. No sign of him. No way could he be allowed in the bedroom so I looked in there, heard a sound from the bathroom and sure enough, in my shower.

By that time, Sue, Lucy and Sophie were with me in my teeny little bathroom. I tried to sic the girls on the bug in the tub and they went INSANE, while Sue and I shrieked with laughter. Then, I unleashed an arsenal of books and mags, got him with my Bali book, got in the tub and stood on it until his little bug legs stopped moving. I liken it to when the house fell on the wicked witch and all you could see were the ruby slippers sticking out. Come to think of it, little skinny roach legs sticking out from under a book aren't exactly ruby slippers but you get my drift . . . Anyhoo, the tub stayed like that 'til the next afternoon when I really had to get a shower. Sue put on her medical examiner hat and got in the tub to remove the dead body. yuk
So, on Thursday I had a party. Just have to do that once a year in gratitude, love and appreciation for my wonderful friends. We had some good food, too much wine and nice music. Good times.
And, for her friends back home, here is Sue at the party. Catchin' that Keys Disease!
glad to see my mama kickin' back! Thanks Liz!
And for those nasty bugs, glad I wasn't there to see them - didn't know my mom had the cojones!
ReplyDeleteI know! She got right in that tub and scraped up the body. What I didn't say is that she then handed it to me! Ick