I got home in time to meet and greet niece Ryder, here with Mom and Dad, and sister Becky, modeling that huge bag I told you about.
Then, off to meet up with the girls from the pool for Happy Hour and then over to Pilot House for dinner with M&D and Becky and Ryder. Said a brief hello to the girls before going out. When I got home, I knew something was very wrong when I opened the door. Oh, the smell. gag Sure enough, pools of well, you don't want to know. So gross. I couldn't figure out why until I spotted the container of Pro-Optimal Whey, Vanilla Flavor. I had been using an empty one of these to keep the doggy glucosamine and protein powder in and when it ran out, the sitter went to the cupboard, spotted a container that looked the same, and fed it to the dogs. Suffice to say, I was up and out with Sophie every 2 hours all night long. Lucy of the iron stomach slept thru the night. I have yet to go out and see what the back yard looks like. ick
Today, Becky and Ryder went off with the van and Rose, bound for Michigan. Short and sweet. And, I can't believe Mummy and Daddy are leaving Saturday already!
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