My sister and her husband and my beloved newphew, Will, are visiting me from Massachusetts. I met them at the Damariscotta Mills Fish Ladder where the alewives are running. Such an amazing sight always. (Track star Will is on crutches with a fractured tibia.)
climbing up the fish ladder |
Happy gulls dining on sushi |
I used my new Fiore sesame oil and honey-ginger balsamic to make a fabulous (if I do say so myself) chicken and veggie stir-fry for dinner. It's nice to cook for more than just me for a change.
I gave Will his udeng brought back from Bali - he looks the part, doesn't he? (well, except for the braces) He is such a great kid.
And, not to bore you but I have to show you my newest oil cloth - came in the mail yesterday. Can't wait to get busy with it. oooooh, loving the color.
I just caught up on your blog. So much good news, especially your "coming
ReplyDeleteout" as your new professional fabric fashionista website self (and your throwing away the four non constructive pages--perfect that all that was left of it was teeny and nearly unreadable :-)! Let's have a party on the day of your first sale--am I too late? Glad you had such a good time with Will and family, but sad I was not there to take away Sir Gynospider. Love you, G (Just about ready to send in T-shirt design. Thanks for great feedback. Eeek we're taking steps out into the world. More love.