Wednesday, May 23, 2012

So, this is what I stared at for an hour-and-a-half yesterday while I waited for Dr. Zaidi to come in and give me a wicked huge shot in the elbow. After a year of acupuncture, chiropractic and massage, I finally said uncle and took the needle. Ouch!

Other than that, I nested on a foggy rainy day in Maine. I made a big pot of jambalaya using chicken sausage, lots of red pepper and cumin.  I used a pinch of saffron as well. (Did you know you can buy saffron in Bali for mere pennies? Another reason to return. - Well, actually that would be rupiah, not pennies.) Anyhoo, it simmered all afternoon and filled the house with a lovely spicy smell. Turned out great and will be even better today.

I also made up this little summery oilcloth bag, seen here next to Miss Elna. How cute is that? It maybe should have handles but I put shoulder straps on. I'll put the lining in today.
Finally, I wanted to share a picture of the view from my cottage this morning. I love how the sky is reflected in the Lake. Chris and his dad came over last evening and took out my smashed up dock so I should have a new one in a few days. V. excited about that.

ADDENDUM: And here is sunset and it's reflection. I promise I do not take this beauty I get to see every day for granted.

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