I wanted to give a shout out to the Mainely Sewing branch in Wiscasset. Cute little shop under the General Store. I bought a new bag pattern I didn't need and some sweet fabric to make a BD present for my sis. If you are ever in the area, it is mos def worth a visit.
Yesterday, I took my friend Sue to Belfast for her birthday. Happy Happy, Sue! Love this bench down town and you can see the architectural style of the town in the next photo.I am thinking mercury is in retrograde as we had two false starts trying to get going in the morning and then I locked the keys in the car (first time EVER!) but we had a nice day anyway and had a yummy lunch at Darby's in Belfast. We wanted to go to Rockland for lunch but had to wait for AAA to come and unlock my car. oy vey
So check this out: I'm sitting at my computer in my living room and something thunks me on the top of the head. Zoiks! I jumped up and madly shake my hair out. No clue what it was so I went back to my screen. Flash forward a few hours and I'm working on my jigsaw puzzle (autumn scene with pumpkins and fall leaves on a farm if you must know) and a grasshoppper lands smack in the middle of the puzzle. Gave me a start. Little sucker is not that easy to catch and take outside. Settling down with my book (ok, my kindle) later in the evening and I look over and there is a grasshopper climbing up the arm of my chair. Honestly! So I get up to catch him and move him outside and I turn around and he's gone. Later, I'm in the kitchen (cooking 15-bean soup, yum) and a grasshopper bounces off my chest. Ok, really? I chase him around the kitchen, get fed up, pick up the newspaper and shut out his lights. Permanently. I don't know where they are coming from. Maybe they're upset because I don't have that much grass to hop in . . .
A quick internet search yields this: Grasshopper teaches to take a leap forward in life and to trust in your own instincts and rhythms. Listen to your inner voice and let grasshopper guide you. He teaches patience to be bold and move with pride and grace. Grasshopper can teach the ability to take more chances and continue onward with persistence. He demonstrates the power of intuition, feelings, communication, awareness of surroundings and circumstances. Are you trusting your instincts and listening to your inner voice? It may be time to guard your exterior self and protect your emotions. Grasshopper medicine will show the balance between outgoing behavior and quiet solitude. He demonstrates the skill of being courageous as well as taking flight when needed. His medicine lends stability and solidity to new endeavors. Grasshopper guides in the transformations of thoughts, ideals and perceptions as new spiritual insights are acquired.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you, Liz! XXXOOO
Wow. Thanks, girlfriend. (Now I feel bad I smushed one of them . . . )