Thursday, February 19, 2015

Playing catch up

I've taken a little time away from my blog but I don't want you to think it was for any reason associated with the bombshell dropped on me a few weeks ago. Just so you know, I've decided my former husband is not worthy of one more ounce of my energy or thoughts. I am withdrawing my investment in bitterness and hatred so I can invest more fully in the people I love and care about. He may have had a hold on me in the past, but I have chosen to shake him loose and I'm taking back the ability to decide who I am, what I think, how I feel and whom I focus on. That's where my power comes from. I will not let anyone else turn my heart cold or change who I am. And, thank you Dr. Phil for that!

So, I wanted to catch you up on all of my doings as I am sure you've been waiting with bated breath to hear all about life here in the Fabulous Florida Keys. 
Last month, this beautiful princess came to visit me along with her two adorable brothers and her mom and dad. My nephew, Nat's family, and oh how I love them!
Princess Genevieve

Sweet Ben
We had a pizza party in the pool and sorry I don't have any shots of Seth or Sarah. It was a short but sweet visit with good food, good company and lego.

Please, can I come in? I'm not that wet . . . 
Then a couple of weeks ago, we had a water aerobics party for our pal, Chuck, whom we have named "Sultan of Swim". In honor of his 70th, we threw him a little surprise soiree.
 He is such a good guy. We call him our Social Director as he organizes our happy hours. Very important job.
In other news, my mother and daddy have arrived for a couple of months and I will fill you in on them and our little living situation later on.  In the meantime, I want you to see what I've been busy with for these last few weeks and so grateful for the help from my Mom especially and Tom and Lu who came to put the Bird of Paradise in the ground for me.
Lu directs, Tom digs
Here's my before shot . . . 
The bromeliads came from a yard sale and the other plants were raised by my neighbor who sells them out of his yard. Little by little . . .

 Big day at my house when the sod truck arrived. Woohoo!!
and the guys went to work

My mom took the pictures with the dates stamps on. Look how beautiful!! I'll show you some more photos soon.  So as you can see, all is well in Lizzieland.

And now to spread this mountain of mulch . . .

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