Friday, April 4, 2014

Ladies who lunch

I met up with my girlfriends in Coral Gables yesterday for lunch at The Biltmore - that's us sitting in the garden - and a trip to the Venetian Pool, where I've always wanted to go and which was utterly fabulous.
I am humbly grateful to have these ladies in my life, every one of them is special to me and a nicer bunch of sweet, supportive, positive and let's face it, FABULOUS women you will never meet.
The Venetian Pool was created in 1925 and is a beautiful grotto of a place with caves you can swim through. The water comes from an artesian well and is flushed out every other day and refilled. (Seems like kind of a waste in thirsty Florida though.) It feels so clean, no chemicals and was about 76 degrees. We had SUCH a fun day!

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