Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Apologizing to Road Kill

So, I was thinking that if I were ever to write a book, I'd call it, "Apologizing to Road Kill" because A. you need a catchy title and B. I really do that. Apologize to road kill that is. Not because I feel guilty but because I feel sorry.  So when I pass some dead critter on the road, my thinking goes, sorry you poor little thing that you are dead and hope you didn't suffer. That's all.  Just ruminating after I passed a dead porcupine on the highway this morning.
In other news . . .
I've been working like mad in the lawn and garden in the early hours before the sun is fully up so as to avoid the black flies. And can I just say, what the heck is the point of having these little bastards on the planet? Oh, I despise them. My elbow is swollen to three times its normal size from a bite. And here's the thing, when they bite you they inject their toxic saliva into you, which is why it hurts and itches so much. How gross is that?
So, when they chase me inside, I've been cutting out and sewing some oilcloth bags which I'll share with you later on AND working on my newest garden art thingys. Here's the latest:
It's supposed to rain in the next few days (finally) so I'll find out how waterproof the stuff I've been using for glue is. And, it should make the leaves pop out and my perennials take over. Spring has sprung in my garden, the lawn is starting to green  up and I have jumped the gun and planted most of my planters. Don't you just feel better when there are flowers around?
 Look at this fabulous fuscia - gorgeous!

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