Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No need to rehash the events in court yesterday. Suffice to say, I stood up in front of a judge and said that my marriage was irretrievably broken. Now I am divorced.
Or to reflect on the past 21 months during which my husband did his best to make my life miserable. It didn't work.
Because, I have the love and support of my family and friends and I am more grateful for that every day of my life than I could ever express.
I do want to say that I loved being married, I loved my husband and I did my best to be a good wife and friend and to set a good example for my nieces and nephews. That is all.

So, I read this the other day:  Every minute I spend feeling down, I lose 60 seconds of joy. So, let's be joyful everyone, and move forward with grace and optimism.


  1. I was thinking of you, wondering if it would finally be over. And it is. You have done the work to put yourself back together - including a zip line?!? - and things will only get better from here. So, love and light to you. Never hesitate to call if there is anything you need. XXXOOO Susan
