Sunday, April 3, 2011

My baby has to go under the knife this week. Just a little growth to be cut off her leg but I bought her a brand new bed to make her feel better about it. I shall be a nervous wreck but I know she'll be in good hands with Dr. Martha.

And, look at the nutty professor: my father. My house is "cooled" to 74 degrees - it is 86 outside. He wore his winter jacket to dinner. Honestly, Dad!


  1. Tell Sophie I'm thinking about her. Let me know after it all goes well, as I know it will.

  2. Thanks - we have now rescheduled for the last week of the month. That way, I won't be traveling right after her surgery but instead will be able to monitor her closely while we travel north . . . not that you could relate to the clingy mommy syndrome or anything . . . <:
