Saturday, May 7, 2011

I finished unpacking my car yesterday and was gratified to find a jacket and a sweatshirt. It has been in the 30's at night here and since the girls are incapable of walking themselves, I have to go with them. brrr  
You well might ask, Lizzie, why do you not go to your house and get some warm clothes? Well, first of all, it is my former house, and my former husband has told me that I need to give him 2 weeks written notice and that he must then be there to supervise (so I won't steal the silver, I guess.) I do not know why I was surprised by this behavior, considering how horrid he has been for going on several years now. 
And, I started to have the old familiar headed for a melt down feelings, crying and carrying on and why is he doing this to me, etc. As my friend Lu would say, Cancel That! She would also remind me of the following: 

This too will pass. O heart, say it over and over – out of your deepest sorrow, out of your deepest grief, no hurt can last forever – perhaps tomorrow will bring relief. 
This too will pass. It will spend itself – its fury will die as the wind dies down with the setting sun; assuaged and calm, you will rest again, forgetting a thing that is done.
Repeat it again and again, O heart, for your comfort; this, too, will pass as surely as passed before the old forgotten pain, and the other sorrows that once you bore.
As certain as stars at night, or dawn after darkness, inherent as the lift of the blowing grass, whatever your despair or frustration – this, too, will pass!

And, isn't this the truth. Oh heart, say it over and over. This too shall pass.

So, just when I hit "publish" for this post, these balloons came out of nowhere and landed right in front of me in the Lake. Purple and black.
Now, what do you suppose that means??

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