Sunday, September 25, 2011

I am doing well, thanks for asking. I have been sewing and sewing and sewing and taking long doggy walks in the rain, and truly living in the moment, being conscious of the sad but reveling in the glad.  It seems that once again I've been allowing my husband's actions and the divorce define me. I guess I needed a little wake-up call and he provided it. Can't get lazy about letting those dark forces back in. Reading "A New Earth" with Ekhart Tolle always helps, tai chi, yoga, meditation and I have gotten out of some of these habits. So. Back on track now. (Although, I did tai chi on my dock this morning and Sophie tried to push me in!)

And, I've been wanting to brag about being off the sleeping pills after these last two years, waiting for a good solid month before I told you,  and indeed I have been for the last two weeks, until three nights ago that is. But, back on track last night and got a restful 30 minutes or so. oy  Ok, more like 3 or 4 hours but some of you know what I mean.

The only draw-back to all the sewing is that my neck and shoulders are practically paralyzed. Break out the BioFreeze and wish Dr. Lu were here!

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