Monday, March 11, 2013

We cruised off the coast of Cuba most of the day - took an alternate route inside the Bahamas over night because of heavy seas. Today's are "moderate". Doesn't bother me a bit. 
Nose to the grindstone all day at my first quilting class with Michelle Kincaid (and she is fab). There were two classrooms operating at a time - I think there are about 25 of us from all over. I won't show you my work in progress yet as it needs a little more time before it is recognizable. There is open sewing in the evening but what the what?? We're on a cruise!!
We have been supplied with these Janome machines and they are AWESOME. The rep is Aaron and he threads our machines and helps us out whenever we need him. I think he's sold a few - great onboard deal - and I have to keep reminding myself that I will not be unfaithful to Miss Elna, who is patiently waiting for me at home. But would ya look at the throat on this thing! OMG!
Came back from dinner with friends I met in Bali last year to find this from my steward, Arnel. I was hoping for an Indonesian crew so I could practice the language but Arnel is Filipino and I am not YET fluent in Tagalog. Oh well.
And, here we have the two story stained glass art above the dinning room door. See the mermaid? The sail reminds me of a quilt (I mos def am in quilting mode).
So, having a lovely time and wish you were here! Haven't really relaxed yet, with another 9 to 5 class tomorrow, but those of you who know me will amazed to know that I slept for 11 1/2 hours last night!  Woohoo! A once in a decade event. No little wet noses to wake me up and no nightmares about he who shall remain nameless. I could have slept 11 more but needed to get to class.

That's all for now. Cheers!

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