Friday, August 23, 2013

Well, just to catch you up, Gloria and I had my boss over for sunset. I found out later she said my dogs were "intrusive" so I guess she won't be invited back. My girls are my family. She is not.
 Here is my intrusive little Sophie enjoying the sunset.
And, the next day which was Tuesday, Gloria took Gretel and me on a Puffin Cruise. We went out to Eastern Egg Rock with a very informative guy from the Audubon Society and when we got there we saw a bald eagle. And then another. And another and another and another. 13 bald eagles all together! And because those bad boys were on the island, no puffins. Oh well, it was so wonderful to be in my old neck of the woods again and to be out on the water for the first time this summer, I really can't complain. Thank you, Gloria, for a fabulous trip.
Eastern Egg Rock
I should have gotten some good pix of the eagles but I was so busy looking thru the binoculars . . .  oops.
Coming in to Boothbay Harbor
Wednesday, we left at the crack of dawn - literally, we saw the sun rise - so Gloria could catch an early flight out of Portland. It was wonderful to have her company and the girls and I will miss her.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you and the girls gynormously. Tell Lucy I am trying to train David to lick my wrist, but it just isn't the same. I am making a sketch (imaginatively speaking) of our puffin day and will send it to you when finished. Missed Scott Simon by an hour danggit. Sophie, I want you to rest your chin upon my feet. I miss your long eyelash too :-) Lizzie, made Irish oatmeal with white peach, walnuts, maple syrup and almond milk today and gave you all the credit. It was/is a hit. Love you and your family. Can't wait to see pix of Will et al.
