Sunday, May 25, 2014

Been feeling a bit down and depressed - okay alot - but anyhoo, Dad and I went to Trader Joe's this quiet Sunday morning and they had a few bunches of lilacs. Which only happen to be my favorite flower on the planet! So happy and grateful for that and they have made me feel good all day, every time I walk by their lovely scent. 
This is where my parents live, where I am ensconced with Dad and Rose. Nice place, nice people, comfortable and well thought out. So, it's super nice but OMG, Ann Arbor, the little college town I grew up in is now the big city of traffic lights. Add a half hour to go anywhere. Makes me realize how utterly spoiled I am in my little town in Maine and in the Fabulous Florida Keys. So lucky, me.
And, here is the hands down favorite of my father. The beauteous Rose. She is eleven now, crippled and ill but as my dad would say, A Trooper. We all pray nothing happens to Rose because my Dad couldn't handle it. Seriously. Would be bad. And if you were to ask him to choose between any of his daughters and Rose? Well, we are all clear on what that choice would be.

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